full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Robert Palmer: The Panama Papers exposed a huge global problem. What's next?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It's also important to not just think about this as individual cases. This is not just about an individual lawyer who's spoken to our unvdeorcer investigator and provided sstiuoenggs. It's not just about a particular senior politician who's been caught up in a scandal. This is about how a system works, that entrenches corruption, tax evasion, pvretoy and instability. And in order to tackle this, we need to change the game. We need to canghe the rules of the game to make this sort of behavior heradr.

Open Cloze

It's also important to not just think about this as individual cases. This is not just about an individual lawyer who's spoken to our __________ investigator and provided ___________. It's not just about a particular senior politician who's been caught up in a scandal. This is about how a system works, that entrenches corruption, tax evasion, _______ and instability. And in order to tackle this, we need to change the game. We need to ______ the rules of the game to make this sort of behavior ______.


  1. undercover
  2. suggestions
  3. harder
  4. poverty
  5. change

Original Text

It's also important to not just think about this as individual cases. This is not just about an individual lawyer who's spoken to our undercover investigator and provided suggestions. It's not just about a particular senior politician who's been caught up in a scandal. This is about how a system works, that entrenches corruption, tax evasion, poverty and instability. And in order to tackle this, we need to change the game. We need to change the rules of the game to make this sort of behavior harder.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mossack fonseca 3
offshore world 2
prime minister 2
ordinary people 2
powerful individuals 2
political leaders 2
united states 2
undercover investigator 2
suspect funds 2

Important Words

  1. behavior
  2. cases
  3. caught
  4. change
  5. corruption
  6. entrenches
  7. evasion
  8. game
  9. harder
  10. important
  11. individual
  12. instability
  13. investigator
  14. lawyer
  15. order
  16. politician
  17. poverty
  18. rules
  19. scandal
  20. senior
  21. sort
  22. spoken
  23. suggestions
  24. system
  25. tackle
  26. tax
  27. undercover
  28. works